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Introducing Lovell 7.0.0


The Rootstock community has approved the Lovell network upgrade, which includes consensus changes. Lovell will activate on Mainnet at block 7,338,024 by 12th March, 2025. Update your RSKj nodes to the latest version, available on the RSKj GitHub repository.

What changes are included in Lovell 7.0.0?

The consensus changes included in this version are:

  • PowPeg Spendability Validation Protocol (RSKIP-419)
  • Express the amount value in wei for peg-out-related events (RSKIP-427)
  • New pegout creation event including UTXO outpoint values (RSKIP-428)
  • Limit the maximum size of initcode and apply extra gas cost for every 32-byte chunk of initcode (RSKIP-438)
  • and lots more...

Since consensus rules have changed, this release is incompatible with previous versions. If you are running earlier versions of the Rootstock client node and adhering to these changes, you must update to this new version. The Mainnet network upgrade will happen at block number 7,338,024. The Testnet network upgrade will happen at block number 6,110,487. If you are already running an RSKj node using a Docker image, please follow the instructions on the releases page. Note that this upgrade is MANDATORY.


Introducing Arrowhead 6.5.0


The Rootstock community is pleased to announce the release of the latest version of the RSKj client, which is now available in the RSKj GitHub repository. This update features new debugging methods and other improvements to the JSON-RPC interface, designed to optimize the developer experience.

Note that this upgrade is optional, however it is strongly recommended that users update their nodes to the latest version to benefit from enhanced performance and security.


Introducing Arrowhead 6.4.0


The Rootstock community is pleased to announce the release of the latest version of the RSKj client, which is now available in the RSKj GitHub repository. This update introduces the fiat-stable minimum gas price feature (disabled by default), enabling mining pools to automatically adjust their minimum gas price configuration based on the price of Bitcoin. Additionally, it includes JSON-RPC interface improvements and dependency upgrades.

Note that this upgrade is optional, however it is strongly recommended that users update their nodes to the latest version to benefit from enhanced performance and security.


Introducing Arrowhead 6.3.0

The Rootstock community is pleased to announce the release of the latest version of the RSKj client, which is now available in the RSKj GitHub repository. This update mainly focuses on improving Ethereum compatibility at the JSON-RPC interface and enhancing the node’s performance.

