RIF Wallet Design and Architecture

The RIF Wallet WebSocket provides access to get all the updates (balances, transactions, events and prices) of a Smart Wallet. Features include:

  • Getting token balances, transactions and events of smart wallet
  • Get prices of all tokens available on a network

RIF Wallet Architecture

The RIF Wallet architecture follows a client-server architecture, the RIF Wallet is the client and the RIF Wallet Services is the server, which have two responsibilities:

  1. Provide wallet historical data:

The RIF Wallet Services exposes HTTP endpoints for tokens, events, transactions, prices and dApps. For a detailed review of the HTTP endpoints, see the API documentation. 2. Provide wallet real time data: To achieve this, RIF Wallet Services exposes a websocket to emit new events from the wallet such as, incoming and outgoing transactions, updated balances, updated prices. Both Profilers and Providers extend the EventEmitter class.

The following happens when a client subscribes to WebSocket:

  • A subscription is made indicating an address and chainId to receive new updates of this address in a specific Network (Tesnet or Mainnet)
  • Every subscription creates a new instance of a Profiler.

The profiler is responsible for creating a Provider, getting data from the Provider and filtering it, to emit only new balances, transactions, prices.

  • Provider is polling every 10 seconds to Rootstock Explorer API to get wallet data and emit it.

Every time a profiler gets new updates, this is emitted to the WebSocket.

The following happens when a client unsubscribes to WebSocket:

  • Polling in Providers is stopped or removed except for Prices, since prices don't depend on one wallet. This means that we stop balance, transaction, token transfer and RBTC balance providers.
  • Note that to use the historical data in real time, we can use the RIF Wallet Services library here all endpoints and websocket have been mapped.


RIF Wallet Transaction Architecture

When we make a transaction using RIF Wallet, we are using RIF Relay smart contract to have the ability to pay fees with another token and not only with native cryptocurrency (RBTC).

The following happens when we make a transfer:

  • We estimate the gas fee in the desired token.
  • We invoke relayCall method from RelayHub smart contract, here we need to send a token address which we are going to pay the fee and the estimation obtained in previous step.
  • Then, this invokes the execute method from Smart Wallet smart contract.
  • Then, this invokes a transfer method from ERC20 token smart contract to pay the fees and send the token to the recipient.

All these steps are encapsulated in the RIF relay client sdk library.

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